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Краткое содержание - Показано 5 сообщение(-я)(-й).
Отправил: Calkin Отправлено: 24.07.2001 :: 16:09:04
Остальное на www.ag.ru
Отправил: Calkin Отправлено: 24.07.2001 :: 16:08:27
The Summoner's Walk Through basic

Since I don't do detail game play, meaning, I don't usually do side quest, I
will outline only the main story.

Starting in the small town.

This is your basic tutorial game play.  Learn the functions now or you will
have to learn it later.

Keep exploring until you come to the exit  then fight the boss and  go to the
world map.

Boss:  only a cake fight on this one.

When you exit it, move toward Lenle, the capital of Medeva.

Options:  You can explore the city  and get Fleece now or just keep fighting in
the jungle until you level up and get Fleece later.

Secrets:  At the beginning, if you fight in the jungle, there are some
tree-like creatures which gives you alot of EXP( I mean alot EXP= 3000 points
for one kill).  I could not find these creatures later in the game, except in
the Forest..

Once you have Fleece, keep exploring the dungeon until find the exit.

Puzzle:  open the gates
solutions:  split up using solo mode.  send Joseph ahead..not difficult.

Once you are inside the castle, Fleece will go find Yago.  Save often here as
you will need the reload.  If you get caught, you restart from below.

Go all the way to the 4th floor, explore until you see the conversation the
between the Prince and the White lady.  Pick up key and find Yago.

You talk with Yago and your first quest starts.

You set sail for Iona Island.  Talk to all the people and once you get
Rosalind, talk to the flashing guy in the courtyard and you will be given the
key to the catacomb.  Go to the Minor Library (on your left route when going to
the Main Library).  Search the library for items if you want.  Open the door
and you will be on your  way to the Catacomb.

Monsters types:  Undead archers and swordsman.

helpful spells:  regenerate, heal, protect from Joseph
weapons:  sword for Joseph and bow for Fleece
puzzle:  objects turn on

Explore until the tunnel splits into two.  Take either the far left or far
right and turn on the stone sun, then do the other.  Be sure to pickup the
treasures there.
Now take the one in the middle.  Go away the way to the end and you will fight
a boss to get the ring.

Boss:  Dead Knight.
difficulty:  moderate

Once you get the ring of light, and return to the world map, prepare for a
brutal battle.  This is your first battle with the Riders.

Boss:  Rider, very fast
difficult: Very hard
special:  paralize, Summon skeleton or mummy

strategy:  cast firewall and meteor and healing like crazy then run like crazy.

Отправил: Calkin Отправлено: 24.07.2001 :: 16:02:24

Отправил: michael Отправлено: 24.07.2001 :: 01:51:58

Nuzen ljuboi help k Summoner materialnij help toze primu
Отправил: Tank Отправлено: 25.04.2001 :: 17:35:39
Nuzen ljuboi help k Summoner materialnij help toze primu
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